
WINNERS | 2024 NORA Power of Partnership Awards

WINNERS | 2024 NORA Power of Partnership Awards

A win for Merchandise Planning in the NORA Power of Partnership Awards! We secured our 6th consecutive year of success, taking home the win for Merchandising Innovation, and with Susan a finalist for the prestigious Industry Elevator of the Year award.

This acknowledgement is even more meaningful as it coincides with 10 years of building this amazing Merchandise Planning Community. Thank you for supporting us once again, in our goal to “Change the Face of Planning”.

WINNERS | 2023 NORA Solution Partner Awards

WINNERS | 2023 NORA Solution Partner Awards

We are thrilled to have locked in our 5th consecutive year of wins at the NORA Solution Partner Awards for 2023, bringing home 2 wins and 2 finalist placements across 4 award categories.

These are all areas in which we actively contribute and strive to add value daily, through our 3 core channels of Consulting, Coaching and Community.

Thank you for your incredible support us with your votes, in our goal to “strive for five, keep the dream alive!”

WINNERS | 2023 Vendors in Partnership Awards

WINNERS | 2023 Vendors in Partnership Awards

Turning analytics into action and data into decisions is what we love to do, so being recognised with the 2023 VIP Best Analytics and Data Management Award is extra special!

THANK YOU for voting!

So great to see the skill of Merchandise Planning being recognised in this way. It’s vital to Retail success and something we strive to implement and elevate every day.

EVENT | 2023 RETAIL THERAPY by Reed Gift Fairs and Life Instyle (Sydney)

EVENT |  2023 RETAIL THERAPY by Reed Gift Fairs and Life Instyle (Sydney)

I was delighted to be part of an expert panel and keynote speaker yesterday

at RETAIL THERAPY presented by @reedgiftfairs and @Lifeinstyle.

I shared tips about how to identify your ‘next best seller’

… and revealed why a ‘forward-thinking merchandise plan’ is crucial to your business success!

Of course, there were FREEBIES on all things Merchandise Planning, accessible to YOU TOO when you click on the links in this article.

EVENT | Autralian Fashion Council - Edit Collection

EVENT | Autralian Fashion Council - Edit Collection

Still on a mission to #changethefaceofplanning, and what a great way to do it -
So proud to contribute to this program, supporting emerging brands with Merchandise Planning tools, templates and training, so they are well equipped to manage their range and inventory.

Details inside …